Hunting regulations

BCWF recommends against participating in SFU firearms study

Dear BCWF Clubs and Members,

Many clubs and club members have started to receive letters from Simon Fraser University requesting participation in a study of illegal firearms. The BCWF strongly recommends that our clubs and members decline to participate. We have little confidence that this study would provide meaningful information about illegal firearm ownership; we are deeply concerned that those involved believe lawful firearms owners know about illegal firearms acquisition and trade.

The goals of the research study are described as follows in the email:

“Through our study, we are hoping to gain a better understanding of how illegal firearms are being acquired and traded in British Columbia. We are also hoping to determine why individuals are acquiring and trading them, their preferred methods of illegal acquisition, and information about how they are being traded. We have contacted you because many of your members may have experience with legal firearms, and perhaps knowledge about illegal firearms.”

The BCWF finds it difficult to understand how anyone knowledgeable about Canadian firearm laws could imagine that established Fish and Game clubs would be associated or know about the illegal firearms trade. Our members are law-abiding conservationists, hunters and sport shooters.

The bottom line: The BCWF recommends that member clubs and members decline to participate. The BCWF will be engaging Simon Fraser University on behalf of our members.


Gary Mauser
Chair, BCWF Firearms Committee
SFU Professor emeritus

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