BCWF Pushes Back on Parks Canada’s Misguided Deer Eradication Program 

British Columbians and B.C. Wildlife Federation members continue to express their concern and outrage over the Sidney Island Fallow Deer Eradication. 

This project has been thoroughly mishandled by Parks Canada, despite persistent opposition and advice from the B.C. Wildlife Federation. Parks Canada chose not to listen to our concerns. 

The BCWF learned in August that Parks Canada was planning to eradicate the deer with sharpshooter firing from helicopters, rather than employing hunters to do the job safely and without significant disruption to residents of the island. Our President, David Lewis, and our Conservation, Hunting, Angling and Firearms Policy & Engagement Coordinator, Steve Hamilton, drafted a letter to Parks Canada at that time explaining our concerns and offering viable alternatives.

Lewis questioned the expense and significant risks of the program, which is now underway. Parks Canada met with David Lewis and Steve Hamilton to discuss these concerns further, but Parks Canada declined to take our advice. 

The BCWF also invited our members to participate in the public comment period. 

The BCWF firmly believes that resident hunters are better equipped and able to eradicate the invasive deer from Sidney Island, given the opportunity to do so. 

Parks Canada has completed the first stage of their plan, but the process is still very much underway. They will continue to employ helicopters, dogs, nets, and sharpshooters unless you act. 

Engage with your MP now, as well as the officials listed below, to tell them that resident hunters would PAY to humanely harvest the invasive deer, while leaving the native deer untouched, and effectively reduce the impact of the invasive species on the island. 

Find your MP here.



  • Minister Blaine Calkins
    Shadow Minister for Hunting, Angling, and Conservation
    Chair of the Conservative Hunting and Angling Caucus



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