Public Engagement on Hunting Proposals is now open!
Raise your voice for wildlife and access.
The B.C. Wildlife Federation is calling on members to provide their feedback on hunting regulation proposals for 2024-2026.
It is critically important that BCWF members provide their feedback on regulation proposals, both on proposals you have issues with and proposals that you like. Positive and negative feedback from the public will shape the upcoming regulations.
“The B.C. Wildlife Federation is working hard for our members to collaborate with all invested parties and advocate for science-based wildlife management and access to hunting and trapping opportunities. We need you to raise your voice now to shape the future for wildlife that we all want to see,” says Steve Hamilton, the B.C. Wildlife Federation’s Conservation, Hunting, Angling and Firearms Policy & Engagement Coordinator.
Public engagement is open until March 22, 2024.
1. Register for a BCeID if you do not have one already (Registering for a Basic BCeID is quick and done entirely online):

2. View the proposals here:

3. Select each Hunting and Trapping Regulation for feedback, one at a time. At the bottom of each page, click “Provide Feedback”.
4. Use your BCeID to log in. You will be able to select “Support”, “Neutral” or “Oppose”, and you will have the chance to comment in more detail.
5. Be sure to comment and leave feedback. It is critically important that BCWF members provide their feedback on regulation proposals, both on proposals you have issues with AND proposals that you like.
The nine wildlife regions in the province (Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Thompson, Kootenay, Cariboo, Skeena, Omineca, Peace and Okanagan) have been working on hunting and trapping regulation proposals for the 2024 to 2026 regulation cycle.
Generating proposals in regions is supposed to happen in a collaborative forum that includes regional wildlife and habitat staff from the provincial government, regional stakeholders (BCWF included), and Indigenous communities.
It is critically important that BCWF members provide their feedback on regulation proposals, both on proposals you have issues with and proposals that you like.
You will need to register (~10 minutes) for your BCeID to give your feedback on government proposals.
Take a moment to sign our letter to MLAs regarding the 2024-2026 Hunting and Trapping Regulation Proposals being based on social and political considerations, not science: