Public Engagement on Hunting Proposals is now open!
The Wildlife and Allocations Committee is calling on members to provide their positive/negative feedback on hunting regulation proposals for 2022-2024!
It is critically important that BCWF members provide their feedback on regulation proposals, both on proposals you have issues with and proposals that you like.
Public engagement is open until January 23rd.
- Register for a BCeID here (Basic is online and quick) or go here:
- Login to government hunting engagement here or go here:
- Select each Hunting and Trapping regulation for feedback one at a time.
- Scroll down and read each regulation. At the bottom, once you have selected “Support”, “Neutral” or “Oppose”, you will have the chance to comment in more detail.

The nine wildlife regions in the province (Vancouver Island, Lower Mainland, Thompson, Kootenay, Cariboo, Skeena, Omineca, Peace and Okanagan) have been working on hunting and trapping regulation proposals for the 2022 to 2024 regulation cycle.
Generating proposals in regions is supposed to happen in a collaborative forum that includes regional wildlife and habitat staff from the provincial government, regional stakeholders (BCWF included) and Indigenous communities. The process works well in some regions and not so well in others.
Most BCWF regions were not happy with the process leading up to the submission of proposals for 2022 to 2024 because of the lack of opportunity to submit proposals and lack of opportunity to review and comment on proposals by regional government staff of the Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development Ministry (FLNRORD).
The Provincial Hunting and Trapping Advisory Team, on which the BCWF has two members, deals with proposals that are provincial in scope rather than specific to a region. An example of a regulation with provincial scope (from a past cycle) was making it illegal to operate, possess or use information that a drone obtains during a hunting expedition.
It is critically important that BCWF members provide their feedback on regulation proposals, both on proposals you have issues with and proposals that you like.
You will need to register (~10 minutes) for your BCeID to give your feedback on government proposals.
If you found this post helpful, please consider the gift of BCWF membership to support BCWF’s ongoing engagement and advocacy.