Hunting & Access

Hunting is at risk. It's time to speak up.

Join us in advocating for science-based wildlife management and a dedicated funding model for wildlife. Together, we can make a difference and protect the future of conservation and hunting in British Columbia. Your active involvement and voice hold great importance in protecting the natural heritage of our province. Let’s collaborate to oppose emotionally charged campaigns and ensure the sustainable coexistence of wildlife and responsible hunting practices.

Historically, hunters have been among the strongest advocates for wildlife. The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation is the world’s most successful system of policies and laws to restore and safeguard fish and wildlife and their habitats through sound science and active management.

We have watched a multitude of species be brought back from the brink of extinction using this model. In just over 100 years, we have watched North American elk go from 40,000 to well over a million. We have watched whitetail deer skyrocket from 500,000 to well over 30 million.

BCWF volunteers spend over 300,000 hours a year giving back. Our Southern Interior Mule Deer project alone saw volunteers process well over 1 million trail camera photos this last year.

You can help change the future of conservation and hunting in B.C. by getting involved. Your actions and your voice matter.

Engage Now on the 2024-2026 Hunting/Trapping Regulation Proposals

BCWF Speaking Up For Hunting and Access

Hunting Advocacy and Initiatives

Click the ‘+’ to learn more about each initiative.

Protect the Future of Hunting in B.C.

Throughout history, hunters have been prominent advocates for wildlife conservation. Despite this, the future of conservation and hunting in British Columbia faces significant threats. Together, we can counter challenges and ensure a sustainable future for both wildlife and hunting. Your participation is critical in making a difference.

Click the button to find relevant news, studies, resources, and how you can take action to protect your right to hunt.

Peace Region Hunting Regulations

The BCWF and our members are deeply concerned with the proposed changes to moose and caribou management in Wildlife Management Region 7B for resident British Columbian hunters. In summary, the BCWF strongly opposes the proposed changes because:

  1. They ignore a science-based approach to wildlife management.
  2. They disregard the importance of moose and caribou hunting to resident British Columbians.
  3. Though we support the protection of treaty rights, the Province has not demonstrated why such drastic and sweeping changes are required to achieve that outcome.

Click the button to read the BCWF’s letter to Minister Katrine Conroy, watch a statement from BCWF Executive Director, Jesse Zeman, and learn more about how you can take action on our Peace Region Hunting Regulations page.

Chronic Wasting Disease

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) is a fatal prion disease affecting the deer family (cervids). Surveillance for CWD in BC has been ongoing since 2002, with no positive cases. The B.C. Wildlife Federation funded ten freezers that were placed at the different drop-off locations throughout the Kootenay and Peace Region to protect B.C. from CWD and educates hunters on how to stay CWD-safe.

Click the button to learn more about CWD, find out how you can help keep B.C. CWD-free, and important updates.

Support the Managed Hunt

Follow our Social Media Pages.

To get involved, or to find out what you can do to help change the narrative, email our Conservation, Hunting, Angling and Firearms Policy & Engagement Coordinator Steve Hamilton, at

Stay up to date on current advocacy work and how you can get involved.

Facebook (@BCWildlifeFederation)

Instagram (@bcwildlifefederation)

Twitter (@BCWildlife)