BC Election 2024

Put Wildlife First

What to Expect

With a provincial election certain to be called this year, the B.C. Wildlife Federation is bringing your concerns to the top of the campaign agenda. BCWF will press each and every candidate to commit to a management and funding model that will conserve and protect wildlife, with science as its foundation.

We will insist that candidates and parties put wildlife first in their platform. We will engage with candidates, hold town halls, and encourage our members to vote with wildlife in mind. We will ensure that you know which candidates and parties are committed to independent, science-based resource management, with transparent, legislated objectives for improvement.

Too many of British Columbia’s iconic species are in decline, with populations of steelhead and caribou at risk of extinction. Vital habitat, watersheds, and wetlands are in peril and potentially catastrophic infestations of invasive species are barely at bay, threatening fragile ecosystems.

The proportion of B.C.’s budget allocated for natural resource management has been in decline for 50 years, leaving wildlife monitoring, management, and habitat restoration chronically underfunded. The BCWF is demanding change from elected officials before our iconic wildlife species disappear forever.

Watch this page, and follow the BCWF on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) to stay up to date in the lead up to the election.

What Can You Do?

Act Now

What can you do to ensure that wildlife is prioritized in the 2024 provincial election?

Engage with your candidates

In the lead up to the election, your local candidates will be engaging in town halls, holding rallies, and meeting with their constituents. Take advantage of these valuable opportunities for face time with your potential future elected official to let them know why you want to see funding for wildlife prioritized in 2024.

The best way to ensure your voice is heard is to speak with your candidate face-to-face. Watch these videos from Jesse Zeman for tips on engaging with elected officials.

Attend a BCWF Town Hall

The BCWF will be hosting town halls across the province to engage with local candidates. Watch here for announcements of dates and times!

Add your voice to our campaign

Ensure that you are registered and prepared to vote

Visit the Elections BC website to register in advance.

Review where, when, and how to vote, and take advantage of vote-by-mail or advance voting when possible to avoid waiting in a long line on final voting day.

Also, review what identification you need to bring with you.

Your voice matters, make sure that you use it!

BC 2024: Wildlife Report Card

Where do the parties stand on the issues important to wildlife?

Conservative Party of British Columbia

Watch here for details on the Conservative Party of British Columbia’s wildlife management platform.

Green Party of BC

Watch here for details on the Green Party of BC’s wildlife management platform.


Watch here for details on the BC NDP’s wildlife management platform.

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