On Monday, June 6, the BCWF representatives Chuck Zuckerman (president), Gerry Paille (Wildlife Committee Chair) and Jesse Zeman (Director of Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program) met with Minister Heyman (MECC), Deputy Minister Kevin Jardine, Assistant Deputy Minister James Mack, Celine Davis (Executive Director Ecosystems Branch) and Kaaren Lewis (Lead-Integrated Nature Agreement).

The meeting focused on public access to public resources; restoring fish, wildlife and habitat; funding and capacity; species at risk; Watershed Security Strategy and Fund; and habitat securement, conservation and restoration. The meeting was extremely positive and the BCWF looks forward to increased engagement with the MECC both as an organization and through our coalitions. The MECC plays a critical role in habitat securement conservation and the BCWF looks forward to help identify priority areas, investing in fish, wildlife and habitat restoration in those areas and ensuring public access.