Each year, at the AGM & Convention, the delegates who represent their local clubs, regions, and direct members vote to determine the members of the Executive Committee and Directors who sit as part of the Board.
This year, the delegates re-elected President David Lewis, Vice President Darlene Clark, and Vice President Mark McDonald.
A new treasurer, Alli Deelstra, was elected to the BCWF Executive.
Four new directors – Nicole Currie, Glenn Flynn, Grant Hiebert, and Jodi McKay – will be joining Rob Chipman, David Oliver, Bill Swain, and Pat Whittingham on the Board.
Alli Deelstra – BCWF Treasurer
Alli was born and raised in Victoria on Vancouver Island, where she has been cultivating her passion for hunting, fishing, and outdoor pursuits. She has a Bachelor of Commerce degree and over 5 years of experience in accounting, management, and communication. She is eager to merge her professional experience with her passion for the outdoors and become more involved in our community.
Currently serving as the Treasurer for the Island Rangers Society, Alli has gained knowledge of working with an outdoor-focused organization and Mosaic Forest Management. In her role, she continues to learn how to advocate for the society’s membership and other stakeholders involved.
She looks forward to raising their daughter with a great appreciation for the outdoors and show how each excursion is a chance to bond as a family and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Nicole Currie – Director
Nicole Currie grew up at Salmon Lake Fishing Camp on the Douglas lake Ranch. She comes from several generations of fishing and hunting guides/stewards, so this way of life is in her blood and she is proud pass this lifestyle on to her children. For the last 23 years, she has lived in Lumby on a hobby farm with her husband and three children. As a CORE instructor, she is passionate about encouraging women and children to get their CORE.
Nicole is the Vice President of the Lumby and District Wildlife Association and, upon attending her first BCWF AGM in 2023, was in awe to see what exactly the BCWF does for all of us. Her motto in life is “when we take in this world we need to give back at least times two.”
Glenn Flynn – Director
Glenn Flynn has resided in the east Kootenays for many years and has been fortunate to serve four years as Regional President and four years as a BCWF Provincial Board director.
Highlights of his time representing the BCWF in the region included involvement with the Big Horn Sheep Management Plan and working with Cait Nelson on the Chronic Wasting Disease monitoring program.
Grant Hiebert – Director
Grant Hiebert is passionate about wildlife and habitat conservation, and is dedicated to ensuring that wildlife, conservation, and hunter opportunity continues to be a significant part of BC’s future.
Since its inception, Grant has leveraged his background in design and manufacturing to help the Southern Interior Mule Deer Camera Project researchers install and maintain cameras and optimize camera hardware. Through SIMDeer, Grant has become heavily involved in the technologies of wildlife monitoring in B.C. and formed strong personal relationships with many provincial biologists, wildlife researchers, and First Nations partners. As an avid hunter and outdoors person, Grant strives to ensure that hunters and conservationists continue to be heard by all levels of government and those involved in creating the policies that will affect our futures.
Jodi McKay – Director
Jodi McKay, a resident of Okanagan Falls, has been a member of Southern Okanagan Sportsman Association for many years. She even took her CORE training there as a youth. She grew up learning to hunt and fish with her parents, and over the years has gone from being a club member to becoming a Director on the board of the club, a Director on Region 8, and one of the Region 8 Vice- Presidents.
Jodi joined the CWD Regional Committee, the CWD Advisory Committee, and has attended cervid head sampling sessions, as she thinks Chronic Wasting Disease is a very important issue in our Province and is something that should not be taken lightly. Through her involvement with the BCWF, Jodi hopes to gain more knowledge and awareness for fish and wildlife in our Province. She believes she has been very fortunate to have opportunities to hunt and fish, and wants to ensure the resources to hunt, fish, and forage are there for future generations.

As of April 13, 2024, our new Board of Directors are as follows:
Executive (1-year terms):
President – David Lewis
Vice-Presidents – Mark McDonald & Darlene Clark
Treasurer – Alli Deelstra
Board Of Directors:
2023-2025 Directors (2-year terms):
- David Oliver
- Rob Chipman
- Bill Swain
- Pat Whittingham
2024-2026 Directors(2-year terms):
- Grant Hiebert
- Nicole Currie
- Jodi McKay
- Glenn Flynn
Regional Presidents:
- Region 1 – Doug Bancroft
- Region 2 – Ed George
- Region 3 – Jason Bellows
- Region 4E – Kevin Podrasky
- Region 4W – Terry Hanik
- Region 5 – Cassy Premack
- Region 6 – Ken Franzen
- Region 7A – Tim Reimer
- Region 7B – Gerry Paille
- Region 8 – Nick Kozub