Monday, March 24th, 7:00PM
In this webinar, Jen Baron will cover the historical context of active fire regimes, their disruption throughout the twentieth century, the consequences for fuels and forest structure, and how active landscape-level management can restore fire as a process.
Impacts on wildlife and habitat will also be covered.
Dr. Jen Baron is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and an incoming Assistant Professor in Fire Ecology at the Centre for Wildfire Coexistence, University of British Columbia Okanagan. She completed her PhD at the UBC Faculty of Forestry, where she focused on understanding and managing altered fire regimes in southeastern British Columbia. Through her research program, she works to understand how the ongoing legacies of colonial land management systems have altered fire regimes and how the strategic applications of treatments and management can restore fire-adapted communities, ecosystems, and landscapes.
There will be a live Q&A session at the end of the presentation.
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