National Archery in the Schools Program British Columbia

Hit Bullseye with NASP®

Archery is the all-inclusive sport that everyone can enjoy! With the National Archery in the Schools Program, (NASP®) students can improve confidence, motivation, concentration, focus, academic performance, and attendance in school. 

NASP teaches students from grades 4 to 12 the essential skills they need to be great archers. Aligned with school curriculum, the program combines fun outdoor education with science, social studies, math, and more. Through NASP, schools can be certified to turn their gyms into international-style archery ranges and teachers can be designated as certified archery instructors to bring this unique skill to their students. 

youth participants yearly
Active NASP Schools

Basic Archery Instructor Courses

April 5 - Galiano Island

Galiano Island Community School

April 11 - Burns Lake

Lakes District Secondary School

April 13 - Nanaimo

Nanaimo Fish & Game Protective Association

Bring Archery to Your Students

Click the "+" to learn more.

Become a Certified Archery Instructor

NASP BC offers archery instructor training to teachers and community leaders. As part of our safety protocols, all NASP instructors must receive our Basic Archery Instructor (BAI) designation. Certification never expires as long as the instructor teaches 10 hours of archery every year and submits an annual online BAI report.

The BAI designation is an 8-hour archery course. No previous archery experience is required to take the training.

During the course instructors are taught:

  • How to set up and operate a safe archery range (indoors and outdoors)
  • International-style archery technique
  • The “11 Steps to Archery Success”
  • Coaching techniques
  • Behaviour management
  • How to inspect, maintain and repair compound bows and arrows

Please contact for registration information or to be added to our inquiry list. 

Order NASP Equipment

After becoming a Basic Archery Instructor, you’ll need to order equipment to bring archery to your students!

What makes NASP stand out from other archery programs around the world is our principle of “universal fit”. This means that all NASP archers use exactly the same equipment: their bows, arrows, targets, even their arrow curtains are all the same with NASP! This guiding principle allows all NASP archers to compete on equal ground.

NASP kits cost between $5,000 – $7000 CAD depending on how the kit is purchase (i.e. through NASP or Canadian archery stores). Though the start-up cost of the kit is high, however the kit essentially pays for itself in two years by providing youth with the experience and opportunity to engage in a different kind of team sport.

What’s included in the kit:

  • 12 Bows (original Genesis, 10 right/2 left)
  • 10 Dozen arrows
  • 5 Targets
  • 1 Backstop net (arrow curtain)
  • 1 Equipment repair kit
  • 1 Bow rack
  • 10 Floor quivers

Click the button to download the NASP Equipment Order Form.

Apply for a NASP Equipment Grant

NASP BC can provide NASP Equipment Grants (up to $1,500 USD) to new schools who choose to purchase equipment through NASP.

The 2023-2024 grant cycle is open!

To be eligible you must:

  • Be a recognized school in British Columbia
  • Be a new NASP school (have not offered NASP in the past to your students)
  • Order all your equipment from NASP

Grants are gifted on a first come, first serve basis. 

Apply today by emailing with the subject line “NASP Equipment Grant”.

BC Curriculum Links

Elementary Connections

Middle School Connections

High School Connections

Instructor Resources

NASP Lesson Plans

NASP Bullseye Rules


NASP BC 2024 Report

Basic Archery Instructor


NASP Official Website

NASP Tournament Website

Reducing Barriers for NASP Students

World Archery Coaches' Manual Level 1

2025 NASP BC Provincial Tournament

This year’s NASP BC Provincial Tournament will run from April 28th – May 10th, 2025. NASP Schools will be able to compete virtually from their own communities, or at the IN-PERSON event in Kelowna on May 10th.

To learn more about the tournament or to view the 2024 tournament results, visit the NASP BC Provincial Tournament website!

Thank You to Our Funders