BCWF Board of Directors
Are you looking for an opportunity to make an impact on the future of hunting, fishing, shooting disciplines and conservation for generations to come?
We are looking for dedicated, motivated, enthusiastic individuals looking to join our team.
We are British Columbia’s leading conservation organization, made up of province-wide volunteers who aim to protect, enhance, and promote the wise use of our environment for the benefit of present and future generations. We advocate for anglers, hunters, outdoor recreationists, firearms owners, and recreational shooters. The B.C. Wildlife Federation strives to ensure the sound long-term management of B.C.’s fish, wildlife, and outdoor recreational resources in the best interests of all British Columbians.
Our AGM will be held on April 24, 25, &26, 2025 in Dawson Creek, B.C., at which time we will be holding our elections for the BCWF Board of Directors.
Please review the following information and fill in the included form with your information. Once complete, please submit to the designated BCWF personnel.
B.C. Wildlife Federation – Board Composition
The BCWF Board of Directors is comprised of:
Executive Committee – President, 2 Vice Presidents, Past-President, and Treasurer.
Board of Directors – 10 Regional Presidents, and 8 Directors
2025 Nominees
We have the following positions to be filled:
One-year term (2025 – 2026)
- President (to be elected as President you must have served a minimum of two years on the board as per the constitution)
- Two Vice Presidents
- Treasurer
Two-year term (2025 – 2027)
- Four Directors
We have the following expectations of our Board of Directors.
- Required to attend regularly scheduled board meetings and Annual General Meeting,
- be an active team member on BCWF committees,
- take an active role in the vision, mission, and goals of the BCWF,
- be available to meet with provincial and federal elected officials, stakeholders, fish and wildlife, and firearms representatives when requested to do so,
- and adhere to the bylaws of the B.C. Wildlife Federation
After having taken the above into account, if you would like to become a member of the Board of Directors, you require a B.C. Wildlife Federation member to nominate you. You can also nominate someone else for a position with the BCWF Board of Directors.
- Nominator: for the individuals you wish to nominate, ensure that you have confirmed that they wish to become a candidate and that you have verified the positions they are willing to stand for.
A current B.C. Wildlife Federation member can nominate you in 2 ways:
1. Online Form: In order to be nominated the online form below must be filled in as accurately as possible. Note the deadline for online form applications is March 18, 2025.
2. Nominations will be taken from the floor during the Annual General Meeting Nomination sessions.
2025 Nomination Form
Board of Directors Election Candidate Application
Nominations will also be taken from the floor during the Annual General Meeting Nomination sessions.
Any Questions?
For questions or to submit a nomination form, please contact Janelle Robertson, Executive Assistant.