Programs & Education

Our Commitment to the Future

Providing programs that get people of all ages outdoors and learning new skills!

The B.C. Wildlife Federation is committed to hunter and angler training. If you hunt or fish, we can make you better. If you’re interested, we can help you get started.

We offer Learn to Hunt and Fish programs that include the in-person Learn to Hunt Academy as well as an online series featuring tips and tricks from industry experts. Get your CORE, then learn the field skills you need to succeed!

Our Wetlands Education Program and Fish Habitat Restoration and Education Program provide community stewards across B.C. with the skills and knowledge they need to restore and protect wetland and riparian habitat.

You’ll also find camps and school programs for youth, outdoor recreation programs like archery and foraging just for women, fishing opportunities for seniors and people with disabilities, and much more! Browse our program pages for details:

Education Programs

Click the ‘+’ to learn more about each program.


Know before you go! The Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education (CORE) program is British Columbia’s hunter education program. The B.C. Wildlife Federation (BCWF) operates the CORE Program on behalf of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations.

Learn how to get your CORE and the steps you need to take in order to purchases hunting licenses:

Learn to Hunt and Fish

The Learn to Hunt and Fish online series helps you bridge the gap between CORE and the great outdoors! Watch presentations from experts in their field and elevate your skills.

The Learn to Hunt Academy is an in-person, two day workshop that will develop your hunting skills.

Get the tips, tricks, and training you need to be a successful hunter or angler.

Women's Programs

Are you ready to unleash your inner adventurer? Join the BCWF Women’s Programs: Becoming an Outdoor Woman (BOW) all-inclusive weekend getaway and the Women Outdoors Skills and Experience Program workshop series to start your unforgettable journey into the wild. Explore the wilderness with confidence, forge lifelong friendships, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Conservation Webinar Series

In fall 2020, the B.C. Wildlife Federation started offering free conservation webinars on Zoom to fulfill our mandate of providing science-based solutions and consistent recommendations for the protection and conservation of fish, wildlife and habitat in British Columbia. Learn the latest research from experts in the field, and watch our catalogue of past episodes on Youtube!

Habitat Restoration and Education Programs

The  Wetlands Education Program and Fish Habitat Restoration and Education Program workshops actively restore, enhance, and protect critical habitat for wildlife, while providing the knowledge and tools for program participants to engage in their own restoration projects. Learn how you can support riparian or wetland restoration in your community to protect and conserve essential wildlife habitat.

Fishing Forever

Through the Fishing Forever program, the B.C. Wildlife Federation helps spread the message that if you have a disability you can still get out and enjoy what nature can offer, though it may require some help you didn’t need before. The Fishing Forever program provides an opportunity where people with disabilities can learn, or continue, to fish and enjoy the outdoors.

More to Explore

Expand your ability to navigate the outdoors!

Bear Aware & Wildlife Defence Course

Provided by Silvercore Advanced Training Systems

This online course is a must for the professional working in bear territory or the outdoor enthusiast wishing to gain an intimate perspective of what is necessary to avoid and prevent a predatory animal attack.

As hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts, it is essential to be knowledgeable in bear defense in order to be safe when enjoying the outdoors.

Take Your Boater Exam

You can take your Canada Boater Exam online and get certified today! The BCWF has partnered with, Transport Canada Approved Boating Safety Course for the Pleasure Craft Operator Card.