2025 NASP BC Provincial Tournament

Welcome to the 2025 NASP BC Provincial Tournament site. On this site, you will be able to register your team and individual archers, access tournament resources and learn more about the tournament.


  • April 28 – May 10, 2025 (Virtual)
  • May 10, 2025 (In-Person)

The tournament will be held in a hybrid model with students will be able to participate virtually in their own gyms or compete at the live tournament. Schools participating virtually will have two weeks to conduct the tournament flights in their home gyms. This year’s live tournament will be held at Rutland Middle School in Kelowna, BC.


  • Virtual: $5/archer
  • In-person: $10/archer

Registration closes: April 25, 2025

The 2025 NASP BC Provincial Tournament is going to be held as a hybrid model, with participants competing on site or virtually. Schools competing virtually will get to shoot in their own gyms or fields and submit their scores via the NASP Tournament App. Shots will be taken from both 10-meter and 15-meter distances. Our goal is to offer a competition format to students where everyone is able to compete, no matter what part of the province they are located in. There are no qualifiers for this tournament.


When registering for an in-person team, please remember to select IN-PERSON flights not the virtual flight.

2024 NASP Provincial Tournament Winners

Individual - Middle School Division

1st – Ciara M. (Trafalgar)

2nd – Ryker H. (Burton)

3rd – Emitt B. (Burton)

Individual - High School Division

1st –  Shaun B. (Lake District)

2nd – Laurie W. (Lake District)

3rd – Justin D. (Lake District)


Team - Middle School Divison

1st – Dr. Knox Middle School Team

2nd – Trafalgar Middle School

3rd – Burton Elementary School

Team - High School Division

1st – Lake District Secondary

2nd – Quamichan School

Scholarship Winners

1st ($1,500 USD) – Shaun B (Lake District); Score of 266

2nd ($1,000 USD) – Laurie W. (Lake District); Score of 266

3rd ($500 USD) – Caira M. (Trafalgar); Score of 264




Tournament flights will consist of 8 “ends”. Ends are rounds where archers shoot 5 arrows at their targets. Archers will shoot 4 ends at 10 meters and 4 ends at 15 meters. At each distance, there will be 1 practice end and 3 ends for score. Coaches and instructors will be required to read and watch all virtual tournament facilitation documents and videos prior to running their tournament flights. Should any questions arise, the NASP BC team will be happy to support.


Schools must register at minimum 12 students and maximum of 16. Only the top 12 scores will be taken from each school team. All teams are co-ed. There must be a minimum of 4 male and 4 female students on each team. There will be two divisions:


  • Middle/Elementary (Grades 4-8)
  • High School (Grades 9-12)


Please note: Students who fall in between grades can be registered at a higher grade level to make a school team. The rule of thumb is “archers can always shoot above their age level but never below”. For example, if a team consists of five 8th graders, three 9th graders, two 10th graders, and two 12th graders. The two 8th graders can be registered as 9th grades so the team can compete in the high school division. Rather than a school having to scramble to create a second (middle/elementary) team so the 8th graders can compete.  

Any active NASP school in British Columbia can enter. The tournament will take place from April 28 to May 10. (approximately two school week). This is to allow teams time and flexibility to book gyms and/or fields to run their tournament shoots (aka “flights”).


After registering for the tournament, coaches will be emailed a payment link, as well as a PDF copy of the tournament waiver that each student must fill out and send (via mail or email) back to NASP BC staff.

NASP BC staff will also mail each coach scorecards. This year we ask that all teachers use the NASP Tournament App to ensure a more efficient scoring process for NASP BC staff. Please only use the scorecards if you are unable to use the app. Scorecards must be either mailed or scanned back for submission.

During tournament, archers will shoot a total of 8 ends (i.e. rounds of 5 arrows). There will be 4 ends at 10 meters and 4 at 15 meters. The first end at each distance will be for practice. The others will be scored. Teams must use the NASP Tournaments Apps to verify shots and score. Click here to download app scoring instructions. Scorers must be registered and have watched the NASP line official scoring video.

Required Videos for Coaches, Instructors, and Tournament Judges

NASP Annual Safety Review Video

Required Viewing for Coaches and Students

NASP Scoring Protocol

Required viewing for Coaches and Students

Line Judge Training Video

Required viewing for Tournament Lane Officials


Awards will be given based on team and individual scores. Team awards will be given according to their division. Individual awards will be scored gender neutrally. Scholarships will be awarded this year to the Top 3 overall scores. Archers will only need to shoot in one tournament flight. Scores will be applied to both team and individual division scores.

Team awards will go as follows:

  • Middle School Division (Grades 4-8):
    • First Place
    • Second Place
    • Third Place
  • High School Division (Grades 9-12):
    • First Place
    • Second Place
    • Third Place

Individual awards will go as follows (gender neutral):

  • Middle School Division (Grades 4-8):
    • First Place
    • Second Place
    • Third Place
  • High School Division (Grades 9-12):
    • First Place
    • Second Place
    • Third Place

Scholarships will be award this year to the top 3 overall scores.

  • First place: $1000 (USD)
  • Second place: $750 (USD)
  • Third Place $250 (USD)


IMPORTANT: All scholarships will be managed by NASP Inc. Winners will be required to sign a scholarship in-take information form. Scholarships will be made out in the student’s/winner’s name upon proof of acceptance to any form of post-secondary education including but not limited to: university, college, trade school, art schools, etc. All winners’ scores must be verified under NASP virtual tournament rules and guidelines (i.e. with certified, impartial officiate with photographic proof of score)

2023 NASP Provincial Tournament Winners

Individual - Middle School Division

1st – Ciara M. (Trafalgar)

2nd – Suzanna B. (Trafalgar)

3rd – Karis G. (Dr. Knox)

Individual - High School Division

1st – Laurie W. (Lake District)

2nd – Justin D. (Lake District)

3rd – Kyden A. (Lake District)


Team - Middle School Divison

1st – Dr. Knox Middle School Team

2nd – Ecole Puntledge Park

3rd – Trafalgar Middle School

Team - High School Division

1st – Lake District Secondary

2nd – Dr. Knox High School Team

3rd – Laurie Middle School

Scholarship Winners

1st ($1,500 USD) – Laurie W. (Lake District); Score of 272

2nd ($1,000 USD) – Justin D. (Lake District); Score of 267

3rd ($500 USD) – Kyden A. (Lake District); Score of 261

NASP Inc. Tournament Resources

Virtual Tournaments

Resources on virtual tournament logistics and registration.

Registering Teams vs. Individuals

Resource on how to register for a NASP tournament as both a team or individual.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about the NASP BC Virtual Provincial Tournament, please contact us at:

E: youth@bcwf.bc.ca

P: 604.882.9988 extension 303