
We Do The Work

Our goal is, first and foremost, to put more fish in the water, more birds in the air, and more animals on the landscape.

The B.C. Wildlife Federation is engaging in world class science, leading habitat restoration education programs, and getting our hands dirty doing the on-the-ground stewardship needed to ensure a better future for fish and wildlife in British Columbia.

See below some of our ongoing projects!

Southern Interior Mule Deer & Cougar Projects

The Southern Interior Mule Deer (SIMdeer) project is studying the decline of the mule deer across 30,000 square kilometres of the southern Interior to better understand changes in the population, their health, movements, and predators. UBC’s Dr. Chloe Wright and University of Idaho PhD candidate Sam Foster are leading the project. The study has collared hundreds of mule deer neonates, fawns and does, and has amassed 2.5 million images from hundreds of cameras in the summer and winter ranges of the region’s mule deer population.

The Southern B.C. Cougar Project is led by PhD student Siobhan Darlington, who is analyzing cougar kill rates and diet composition where mule deer and bighorn sheep are in decline, quantifying cougar population response to hunter harvest, and analyzing individual cougar response to land use change from forestry and wildfire.

Controlled Burns

Fire naturally occurs every five to 200 years in much of B.C. In the central Interior, many areas historically burn every five to 30 years. Fire is part of a natural process that rejuvenates grasslands and promotes biodiversity. Using fire intentionally, under expert management, rejuvenates the land with little risk to people and property.


Watershed Stewardship

The B.C. Wildlife Federation’s Watershed Team is dedicated to enhancing watersheds, central to its mission to assess, restore, and protect British Columbia’s natural assets. By applying innovative conservation tools and educational programs, our team protects and restores watersheds across the province for future generations.

Fish, Wildlife and Habitat Coalition

The Fish, Wildlife, and Habitat Coalition consists of partners from 25 organizations, representing a total of more than 273,000 British Columbians and more than 900 businesses across B.C.

By championing solutions for conservation, including management, restoration, and protection, the Coalition aims to help strengthen B.C.’s communities and economy by supporting healthy and resilient ecosystems and abundant fish and wildlife with self-sustaining populations.

Conservation App

The app makes it easy for users to take geo-referenced, time-stamped photos or videos and to report issues related to illegal use or abuse of our natural resources. The app works both in and out of service using your phone’s GPS. Reports are sent to a secure server and forwarded automatically to the appropriate enforcement agency. You will also have the latest fishing and hunting regulations at your fingertips.

Support Our Advocacy Work

Please become a member or donate to support us. We are doing the work, raising our voices in Victoria and Ottawa, and we need your help. Donations of $10 and above are eligible for a tax deduction. Become a monthly donor, leave a legacy gift, start a fundraiser, or find other ways to support the BCWF.

Follow our Social Media Pages

To get involved, or to find out what you can do to help change the narrative, email our Conservation, Hunting, Angling and Firearms Policy & Engagement Coordinator Steve Hamilton, at

Stay up to date on current advocacy work and how you can get involved.

Facebook (@BCWildlifeFederation)

Instagram (@bcwildlifefederation)

Twitter (@BCWildlife)